Thursday, June 17, 2021

Gettysburg ghosts

Let's talk about the scary yet intriguing paranormal phenomenon known as Gettysburg ghosts. There are many stories and more than a few tales of terror. However, that's not all there are too many scary stories from Gettysburg. There are also the people who have seen them, and the numbers are overwhelming.

Some of these sightings will never be revealed. These secrets haunt for days on end in the minds of those who unwillingly saw them, and they carry their memories with them wherever they go thereafter. Believe it or not, you might even find some yourself someday…

Gettysburg ghosts

Gettysburg is famous for many things…

The Civil War

the graves of hundreds of thousands of soldiers buried there at the Battle of Gettysburg, which, to this day, is considered to be one of the greatest battles in American history. The Union and Confederate armies put up a helluva fight at Gettysburg on July 1-3, 1863. That battle ended with the large-scale surrender of Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia. Most people know that 5,000 Confederate troops were captured when they were surrounded and outnumbered by General George Meade's Union troops before they could retreat back to Virginia. Most people don't know that over 50 Union prisoners were still alive after the fighting had ended.

The place where those soldiers lay, and still lay to this day, is marked by the famous "Angels of Gettysburg". The angel statues are placed on the graves of Union soldiers who died there at Gettysburg. This cemetery is named after Abraham Lincoln. Even though he did not have anything to do with the battle that took place; it's still named in his honor.

The town itself

is nestled in a valley and it sits in Pennsylvania about 80 miles or so from Washington D.C. The town was built long before the Civil War ever took place, and that has made it into an even more interesting place for people to visit today. The town is known for its wealth of Civil War-themed museums, objects, and relics. There is a confederate cemetery, a Union cemetery, a war memorial, an army museum…and this list goes on.

///Not only that but the town itself is also known for the number of ghosts that are believed to reside in its buildings and neighborhoods. No one seems to know why they have been seen there or what they are doing there; but many people believe that they are spirits of soldiers, old soldiers who died during the Civil War.

The Civil War began on April 12, 1861, when Confederate forces attacked Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina. From then on the war would drag on for four long years and would see a fair number of soldiers killed in battle and others who died from disease and other causes. On average there were about 5,000 deaths every 10 days.

In the southern part of Gettysburg, many historic buildings have been sealed up for decades now because of tall stories that say they hold the souls of dead soldiers trapped in the walls. Several houses are said to have ghosts inside them including one that is said to be haunted by a soldier who fell from a window while trying to escape his pursuer. Many people have told ghost stories about some of the remaining buildings, including the Station Hotel. 

If you want to see some of the Gettysburg ghosts for yourself you are more than welcome to stay overnight in one of these haunted houses. You may need a change of underwear though after waking up in the middle of the night or hearing odd noises and feeling strange breezes that could only be described as ghostly.

The ghost has also been known to appear in a square that has been called "the dead zone". It is said that the ghost of a soldier who was shot in the head during the Battle of Gettysburg haunts this spot. He seems to stop all vehicles, everyone gets out and goes around him, and then he disappears as suddenly as he appeared. This doesn't seem like his only haunt though; there are others just like him too.

Lavender Hill Cemetery is another interesting place to visit if you are interested in ghosts that are said to be haunting it. Nearby is the old cemetery as well and many people say that it's full of ghosts too. It is said that the ghost of a headless woman walks between the two cemeteries. She walks up to the fence and plays with it, gripping the bars and rattling them. People say she is upset that she has no head and wants to be put to rest.

The home where Abraham Lincoln died has also been known for its haunted activity, as well as the field where he was shot. It's not only his ghost in this area; many other ghosts have been seen here by people over the years as well.

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